1 week until Tarot Training Begins...
Tarot is an amazing tool to connect with your higher self and receive insight and guidance for your life. Using it to make
choices and changes can be enlightening and empowering.
In this class you will receive :
a study of the entire deck
working knowledge of 3 different layouts
grounding and protecting techniques
meditations to improve intuition
weekly study guides
practical experience
Receive 2 Bonus Gifts
$170 Value
Tarot is an amazing tool to connect with your higher self and receive insight and guidance for your life. Using it to make
choices and changes can be enlightening and empowering.
In this class you will receive :
a study of the entire deck
working knowledge of 3 different layouts
grounding and protecting techniques
meditations to improve intuition
weekly study guides
practical experience
I am offering payment options on the cost for the class to make it more accessible.
The cost for 8 week class is $250
2 Easy Payments of $125
4 Easy Payments of $62.50
Accept cash, credit/ debit, pay pal and venmo
Intuitive Me
7 week course $199
Have you ever been told you are too sensitive? Well guess what, you probably are! We are all naturally psychic and picking up subtle energies all the time. Join me this fall for a journey to discover your own intuitive abilities. Each week will have a segment for group dream discussion, exploring a chakra, ESP development, guided meditation and more.
Please check back or contact us for the next available start date in Riverview Fl.
Every single person on earth is Intuitive. This class helps you remember those abilities that already exist inside of you.
Intuitive Me
Transcend Workshop
2.5hrs $35/ per person
These workshops are designed to teach practical daily techniques to heal the body, connect to spirit,
and tame the mind.
Dates and locations vary.
Every session is unique and will offer
an array of journaling, crystal and oil wisdom,
wellness items, visualization exercises,
breath work and meditation.
Transcend {tran-send} verb:
rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed.
Transcend your life.
What if you could tap into your own psychic Super Powers?
Intuitive Me
Everyone on planet earth is having a significant increase in sensitivity. There is more need than ever before to understand your spiritual nature. Because whether you like it or not - YOU are energy!
Learn how to embrace your unique intuitive gifts and use them to transform your life.
Do you feel overly sensitive and get nudges from your intuition but don't fully trust yourself?
Would you like to learn in a loving supportive environment where you can grow without judgement?
Are you a healer or tarot card reader that wants to get more insight and connection during your sessions?
Get YOUR foundational education for spiritual expansion.
Only accepting 10 students
Registration Opens
February 1, 2022
Payment options available
Practice Makes Progress
Maybe you read the books, listen to the talks and meditate alone already working on your skills. Don't under estimate the power of a group! Practicing and learning together with like minded people AMPLIFIES the growth of everyone in the group.
Why wait another minute to trust your intuition?
If you are feeling the impulse to join...TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH and register today!