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These Gift Certificates are both buy one get one free.
Email gift certificates will be sent out within 24 hours of purchase.
Limit is 2 per person
Rapid Refuel
Noelle uses a unique fusion of Reiki, intuitive ability, and crystal therapy to create a healing experience that is specific to you and your needs.
Treatment is holistic, meaning it works on the body, mind and spirit as a
whole by stimulating a persons natural healing abilities. It helps facilitate
beneficial change. Energy blocks in the subtle bodies that lead to illness may be cleared. The experience is rejuvenating and uplifting.
90 min healing $95

Tarot Reading
People often fear things they do not understand. Cards are pictures, symbols depicting vast concepts that all humans share in experience. They are an excellent tool for personal growth and can illuminate situations that your ego or perception may be keeping you in the dark about. I simply interpret the meaning and relay any divine guidance and intuitive impressions received during the process. It is intended to shed light into your life.
1 hour reading $75

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